Vitality program
Jin Shin Jyutsu - Streaming
Strengthening your
True happiness can only come from within.
The art of Jin Shin Jyutsu brings blocked life energy back into the harmonious flow through the targeted laying on of hands. Mary Burmeister brought the ancient knowledge of the Japanese master
Jiro Murai to the western culture. Self-healing powers are strengthened, vitality and joie de vivre noticeably increase, fears can be released, and deep relaxation occurs.
The three dimensions of being: body, mind and soul.
Streaming promotes
- The cells, tissue layers and joints are better supplied.
- The body is detoxified more effectively.
- The metabolism is stimulated, the function of the organs is strengthened.
- The body gets into deep relaxation and balances vegetative and functional disorders.
- Circulation and digestion are harmonized.
- The immune system is strengthened.
Streaming promotes
The mood brightens up.
The understanding for life connections is promoted, the self-confidence is strengthened.
Old behavioral patterns are dissolved.
The attitudes – worries, fears, anger, sadness and effort – are harmonized.
Depressive moods dissolve.
The charisma improves.
Streaming promotes
- Negative thought patterns dissolve.
- Sick, destructive beliefs are positively changed and transformed.
- Calmness and serenity develop.
- New “Aha-experiences” emerge.
- The mental clarity is promoted.
- Spiritual insights are increasingly gained.
- Your consciousness expands.